Friday, February 01, 2008

MasseyLink: what does it mean and why is it appearing in my searches?

Some of you will have noticed when doing database searches that the little icon above is appearing on results lists and alongside records. As the name suggests, it is a link between the database and Massey’s holdings. The advantage it gives over the current system of linking is that in the best case scenario it will take you directly to the article in a couple of clicks. From the Web of Science results screen:

To the MasseyLink screen:

Straight to the full-text article!

Yes, the full article with none of that dull scribbling down of volume and issue numbers, or multitude of clicks through the layers of the catalogue. If a direct link to the item is not provided, click on "Search the catalogue". MasseyLink will automatically populate a catalogue search for you, so you can see immediately if Massey University Library has the item. If not, you can then use MasseyLink to request an Interloan. All of your options for obtaining the item you need are available in one convenient location.

However, you will have noted that this is the best case scenario: there are a few hiccups at present, as the system is still being implemented. If you come across something strange when trying to follow a MasseyLink, please use the "Report a problem" link to let us know.
Feel free to ask us questions about this. We're very excited about MasseyLink's potential. Even at this stage MasseyLink can be a useful tool and should be a great help to searchers once it is fully up and running.

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